
SERPOST Chancay, Chancay. Serpost Sucursales en <city>

馃榿Good service and attentive
馃槨Bad service if you don't call for your product, you don't know if I arrive when it's their job and t...

Serpost Seguimiento de env铆o

Ingresa el No. de gu铆a (n煤mero de rastreo)

ex. RE101722170PE

Serpost Cerca de Mi - Serpost Near Me

SERPOST Chancay, Chancay
Tipo Shop & Service Point
Direcci贸n Luis Felipe de Solar, Chancay, Per煤
Horario de atenci贸n
T茅lefono +51 1 511 5000
Mapa Mapa C贸mo llegar Vista de calle

Mapa - SERPOST Chancay, Chancay

C贸mo llegar -> SERPOST Chancay, Chancay


Rafavlogs - 2021-03-14

Bad service if you don't call for your product, you don't know if I arrive when it's their job and they don't do it as it should... or they should change the personnel in charge and even more supervision or training with their worker... and orientation with the users new

Oscar Borja - 2019-09-03

It is always closed, it does not comply with the established schedule, I have been leaving work for 4 weeks to arrive at its schedule and it is always closed, how can it be possible that serpost does not do anything or verify that its offices are complying with its schedule.

Manuel Oscar Ortega - 2019-11-21

Good service and attentive

Joseph Gambini - 2021-04-14
