
Serpost, Chimbote. Serpost Sucursales en <city>

馃榿Very good attention, they are very friendly and fast delivery 馃槉
馃槨Poor service, they take too long in the attention, they do not know how to give an answer.

Serpost Seguimiento de env铆o

Ingresa el No. de gu铆a (n煤mero de rastreo)

ex. RE101722170PE

Serpost Cerca de Mi - Serpost Near Me

Serpost, Chimbote
Tipo Shop & Service Point
Direcci贸n Prolongacion Leoncio Prado, Chimbote, Per煤
Horario de atenci贸n
T茅lefono +51 1 511 5000
Mapa Mapa C贸mo llegar Vista de calle

Mapa - Serpost, Chimbote

C贸mo llegar -> Serpost, Chimbote


Nishiki The Puppet - 2022-08-17

It needs a lot of staff, a simple person can't handle everything, besides they need a cashier to make payments, I had to go to the bank and a lot of people, it took me 1 hour to do everything they told me, the product was an XPEN that It has a screen, it came to me without internal damage, all this seemed like a nice experience, but its service was varied, I see it as a good negative 6/10.

Maria Terrones Arevalo - 2022-12-02

Very good attention, they are very friendly and fast delivery 馃槉

M贸nica P. - 2019-05-24

Poor service, they take too long in the attention, they do not know how to give an answer.

Giancarlo Pasache Pasapera - 2020-11-02

For reasons of this pandemic they are leaving the wish, aliexpress and other store products at home, they arrived on time I know they do not give much information about the order but you just have to wait

Bernier Gamarra - 2018-03-19

It's amazing that a mail service can't have a system where you check to see if you have a package at your local office. Surely they will have many economic shortcomings but it is something basic because that "come between 8 and 9 to talk to the postman" is truly unheard of.