
Serpost - Administraci贸n Tumbes, Tumbes. Serpost Sucursales en <city>

馃榿Quick and pleasant attention
馃槨Terrible service, the reception people misunderstand you, and you have to go see the packages at the...

Serpost Seguimiento de env铆o

Ingresa el No. de gu铆a (n煤mero de rastreo)

ex. RE101722170PE

Serpost Cerca de Mi - Serpost Near Me

Serpost - Administraci贸n Tumbes, Tumbes
Tipo Shop & Service Point
Direcci贸n Francisco Bolognesi, Tumbes, Per煤
Horario de atenci贸n
T茅lefono +51 1 511 5000
Mapa Mapa C贸mo llegar Vista de calle

Mapa - Serpost - Administraci贸n Tumbes, Tumbes

C贸mo llegar -> Serpost - Administraci贸n Tumbes, Tumbes


Iv谩n Rafael Gama Olivares - 2022-11-22

Quick and pleasant attention

Whyny Ruiz - 2020-12-14

Terrible service, the reception people misunderstand you, and you have to go see the packages at the house of those who are in charge of delivering them and above all they take too long

Luz Patricia Gutierrez Vinces - 2020-06-12

The attention is terrible, it takes too long for my shipments to arrive.

Manuel Oscar Ortega - 2019-11-21

nu good service and there will be queues for Christmas.