
Shalom Carabayllo, Carabayllo. Shalom Sucursales en <city>

😁Good place exact fulfillment of deliveries and orders very good attention

Shalom Seguimiento de envío

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ex. 9383368

Shalom Cerca de Mi - Shalom Near Me

Shalom Carabayllo, Carabayllo
Tipo Shop & Service Point
Dirección Avenida Tupac Amaru, Carabayllo, Perú
Horario de atención
Télefono +51 1 500 7878
Mapa Mapa Cómo llegar Vista de calle

Mapa - Shalom Carabayllo, Carabayllo

Cómo llegar -> Shalom Carabayllo, Carabayllo


Fredy Javier Pizarro Naraza - 2022-11-12

Good place exact fulfillment of deliveries and orders very good attention

Raul Ramos - 2022-09-01

Good location of the premises they serve fast and punctuality in the transport service

Ricardo Velasquez Delgado - 2022-08-13

Good treatment and totally fast attention, recommended

Kevin Carlos Fidencio Panduro Cárdenas - 2022-09-11

Agency very good attention, for shipping orders if you are an entrepreneur

Abel Ramos - 2022-06-27

Excellent. Fast attention. They gave me a solution when I had a mishap, at least at the Carabayllo headquarters.